
The following menu commands are displayed when right-clicking a blank space on the worksheet.

When the [View] tab is displayed

[Close Worksheet]

Closes the worksheet.

[Show Table]

Shows/hides the statistics table. This function is the same as [Show Table] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab.

[Auto Arrange Items]

Automatically aligns the positions of the plots and statistics table. This function is the same as [Auto Arrange] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab.

[Align Items to Grid]

Aligns the plots and statistics table on the worksheet with the grid.

[Show Grid]

Displays a grid on the worksheet. This function is the same as [Show Grid] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab.

[Open Gate Manager]

Displays the [Gate Manager] dialog. This function is the same as [Gate Manager] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab of the ribbon. See “[Gate Manager] Dialog”.

[Open Statistics Editor]

Displays the [Statistics Editor] dialog. This function is the same as [Edit] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab of the ribbon. See “[Statistics Editor] Dialog”.

[Copy to all Individual Worksheets]

Copies the shared worksheet to the individual worksheet of all samples.

[Copy to Shared Worksheet]

Sets the worksheet for the selected sample as the shared worksheet.

When the [Analysis] tab is displayed

[Terminate Analysis]

Terminates the analysis server when it is running.

[Restart Analysis]

Restarts the analysis server.

[Show Table]

Shows/hides the statistics table. This function is the same as [Show Table] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab.

[Auto Arrange Items]

Automatically aligns the positions of the plots and statistics table. This function is the same as [Auto Arrange] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab.

[Align Items to Grid]

Aligns the plots and statistics table on the worksheet with the grid.

[Show Grid]

Displays a grid on the worksheet. This function is the same as [Show Grid] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab.

[Open Gate Manager]

Displays the [Gate Manager] dialog. This function is the same as [Gate Manager] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab of the ribbon. See “[Gate Manager] Dialog”.

[Open Statistics Editor]

Displays the [Statistics Editor] dialog. This function is the same as [Edit] on the [Worksheet Tools] tab of the ribbon. See “[Statistics Editor] Dialog”.

[Copy to all Individual Worksheets]

Copies the shared worksheet to the individual worksheet of all samples.

[Copy to Shared Worksheet]

Sets the worksheet for the selected sample as the shared worksheet.