[Analysis] Tab (Ribbon)

The [Analysis] tab of the ribbon has the following buttons.

  1. [Plate] group

    These buttons allow you to delete a plate from an experiment or edit plate settings.

    [Layout Editor]

    Allows you to edit the layout of the plate selected in the [Experiment] panel. Clicking this button displays the [Layout Editor] dialog. See “[Layout Editor] Dialog”.

    [Export Layout to CSV File]

    Allows you to export the metadata of the plate selected in the [Experiment List] panel to a file in CSV format. Clicking this button displays the [Export Layout to CSV File] dialog.

    Allows you to edit information related to the plate. Clicking this button displays the plate properties dialog. See “Plate Properties Dialog”.

  2. [Sample]

    These buttons are used for operations on wells.


    Copies and pastes the selected well.

    [Export Instrument Settings]

    Exports the instrument settings as a file.

    [Instrument Settings]

    Allows you to configure instrument settings related to lasers, detectors, and flow rates. Clicking this button displays the [Instrument Settings] dialog. See “[Instrument Settings] Dialog”.

    [Stopping Condition]

    Allows you to view the data acquisition stopping condition. Clicking this button displays the [Stopping Condition] dialog.

    Allows you to edit information related to the well. Clicking this button displays the well properties dialog. See “Well Properties Dialog”.

  3. [Batch Processing]

    These buttons are used to run analysis on multiple samples at the same time.

    [Batch Analysis]

    Runs batch analysis for the selected experiments, plates, and sample groups. Clicking this button displays the [Batch Analysis] dialog.

    [Export to FCS File]

    Exports the acquisition data for the selected experiments, plates, and sample groups as an FCS file. Clicking this button displays the [FCS File Export] dialog.

  4. [Display Events]

    Configures settings related to events displayed on plots.


    Selects the number of events to display on plots during analysis.

  5. [Analysis]

    Terminates or restarts the analysis server.

    [Terminate Analysis]

    Terminates the analysis server when it is running. Clicking this button, a message appears to prompt you to terminate the analysis server. The analysis server terminates to click [OK].


    • To forcibly terminate the analysis server while performing lengthy process such as advanced analysis, click [Force Terminate] button which is shown on the data saving dialog. Please note that the analysis results may be incomplete when the server is forcibly terminated.

    [Restart Analysis]

    Restarts the analysis server.