[Load Spectral Reference] Dialog

The [Load Spectral Reference] dialog is used to load the spectral reference from the spectral reference library.

The [Load Spectral Reference] dialog is displayed by clicking [Load Spectral Reference] of [Spectral Reference] on the [Unmixing] tab of the ribbon.

  1. Search area

    Specify keywords and filter criteria to search for a spectral reference.

    [Keyword Search]

    Searches by keyword. Enter a fluorochrome name or marker, then click [Search] to start searching.


    Expand each item and place check marks in the search condition check boxes.


    • Clicking [Clear] removes the check marks from all checkboxes.
  2. [Search Results]

    Displays the search results.

    Select the spectral reference to load from the list.


    Adds the spectral reference selected in [Search Results] to [Selected Spectral References].

  3. [Selected Spectral References]

    Lists the spectral references to load. Selecting a spectral reference displays the spectral waveform on the right side of the list. Multiple selections are supported.


    Removes the selected spectral reference from the list.

  4. [Load]

    Loads the spectral references in [Selected Spectral References] into the experiment.

  5. [Cancel]

    Cancels the operation and closes the dialog.