Undo/Redo Function

Undo/redo buttons are located in the title bar of the main window. Worksheet actions, including those listed below, support the undo/redo function.

  • Creating plots or gates
  • Deleting plots or gates
  • Editing plots or gates
  • Resizing/moving worksheet items
  • Editing the [Gate and Statistics] table
  • Adjusting the Spectral Reference

Actions, such as those listed below, do not support the undo/redo function.

  • [Sync scale and gate]
  • [Change palette]
  • Changes to the [Spectrum Display]
  • [Edit color]
  • Changes to the worksheet mode
  • Copying and pasting worksheets
  • [Unmixing] – [Apply] on/off
  • When a dialog, such as the [Plot Properties] dialog, [Gate Properties] dialog, [Gate Manager] dialog, or [Statistics Editor] dialog, is displayed
  • Changes to the zoom factor of the worksheet
  • Changes to displayed events
  • Adding plots from the [Unmixing Viewer] or [Autofluorescence Finder]
  • [Data Cleaning]
  • [BL-FlowSOM]
  • [UMAP]
  • [FIt-SNE]