
The following menu commands are displayed when right-clicking a plate icon in the [Experiment] panel.

When the [View] tab is displayed


Displays the properties for the selected plate.

[Analysis] Tab

[Close Experiment]

Closes the experiment.

[Export Layout to CSV File]

Exports the metadata of the selected plate to a file in CSV format. This function is the same as [Export Layout to CSV File] on the [Analysis] tab of the ribbon.

[Import Layout from CSV File]

Imports all metadata to the selected plate. This function is the same as [Import Layout from CSV File] on the [Acquisition] tab of the ribbon.

[Batch Analysis]

Runs analysis on multiple samples at the same time. This function is the same as [Batch Analysis] on the [Analysis] tab of the ribbon.

[Export to FCS File]

Exports data in FCS format. This function is the same as [Export to FCS File] on the [Analysis] tab of the ribbon.


Displays the properties for the selected plate.