Adding a New Fluorochrome

  1. Click [Unmixing Settings] in the [Unmixing] group on the [Unmixing] tab of the ribbon.

    The [Unmixing Settings] dialog appears.

  2. Enter a fluorochrome name, then click [Add].

    The [Add New Fluorochrome] dialog appears.

  3. Set each item, then click [OK].

    [Preview] displays an image representing the spectrum waveform for the currently selected fluorochrome.

    [Name]: Enter the name of the fluorochrome.

    [Laser]: Selects the laser to use.

    [Start Channel] / [End Channel]: Enter the range of valid channels for the fluorochrome.

    [Color]: Selects the display color.

    [Emission Spectrum]: Selects the fluorochrome spectrum image waveform. Selecting the waveform displays a preview.

    • [Blank]: Does not display a waveform.
    • [Copy from another fluorochrome]: Uses another waveform registered in the database. When selected, enter the name of the fluorochrome.
    • [Load from CSV file]: Loads waveform information from a CSV file. When selected, click [Browse] to specify the CSV file. The CSV file has the following format.

      Wavelength, Intensity

      Example: 500, 0.01

      501, 0.02

      502, 0.04

      625, 1

      799, 0.01

      800, 0

    The fluorochrome is added.

    The added fluorochrome is also automatically added to the fluorochrome drop-down list in the [Unmixing Settings] dialog.