Displaying Multiple Spectral Data Overlaid

You can overlay spectral data of multiple plots on a single plot to compare analysis results.

  1. Click [Overlay Worksheet] in the [Overlay] group on the [Worksheet] tab of the ribbon and select the worksheet display method for overlays.

    [Half Worksheet View]: Displays the overlay worksheet in the bottom half of the worksheet.

    [Full Worksheet View]: Displays the overlay worksheet occupying the full area of the worksheet.

    The overlay worksheet is displayed on the worksheet.


    Display example: When [Half Worksheet View] is selected

  2. Right-click a spectrum or ribbon plot with the spectral data to be overlaid, and select [Send to Overlay] from the context menu.

    The spectral data is displayed in the plot of the overlay worksheet.

    You can show/hide the spectral data by turning the checkbox in the legend on/off.

To delete spectral data

You can delete the spectral data using one of the following methods.

  • Right-click a row in the legend of the overlay plot and select [Remove].
  • Right-click within the overlay plot, and select [Remove All] from the context menu.

To change the spectral data type

Right-click within the overlay plot, and select [Change Data Type] - [Mean] (average), [SD] (standard deviation), or [CV] (coefficient of variance) from the context menu.

To export the overlay plot data as a CSV file

Right-click within the overlay plot, and select [Export Data to CSV File] from the context menu.

To copy the overlay plot and legend to the clipboard

Right-click within the overlay plot, select [Copy to Clipboard] – [Overlay Plot] or [Overlay Plot with Legend] from the context menu, and paste into another application.

You can paste the image into an external application, such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Microsoft Word.